It is only a few weeks into Justice's first year of kindergarten and he has decided that riding a bus is a great way to get to Clinton Elementary. To me, it sounds like suicide for a 5-year-old with a pocket full of milk money (about 50 cents) to get on a bus, and I thought for certain he would change his mind once on board with all the strange, older kids. However, much to my surprise he ascended the small flight of stairs and plopped himself down in a seat, heeding his Mommy's advice to stay at the front and let the bus driver know if there were any problems. He has taken the bus ever since and loves it. I don't know how long he will continue riding the bus, and I am not sure what he does on it, but who cares. I suspect he probably just looks out the window reveling in his newfound freedom while watching the world go by his own little private window, absorbing the bumps along the way. Enjoy the ride Justice!
Oh my goodness! What a big boy - just imagining it makes my heart and stomach turn a bit - not sure if it is because it scares me how fast these kiddos grow up or because I associate too many nauseating things with riding the school bus :)
Hey, update your blog! I want to see what Justice is like now!
I remember what it was like when my oldest went off to kindergarten on the bus without as much as a glance back at me on the sidewalk. We should be glad they are such confident little people already. I'd love to hear how y'all doing in Columbus so that means you must post more often. CCSRE is practically DEAD without you around!
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